採用低溫風乾,堅持不添加任何調味料、防腐劑、人造香料及色素。 為你做到「零添加,零負擔」! 亦可與其他果乾或茶配搭成為果茶飲用喔~
* 無添加果乾可以當零食給寵物食用,請緊記享用前先查詢及確保果乾種類及份量適合你的寵物!
Using a Low Temperature Drying Technique may keep fruits in Rich Nutritions. We make sure there are No Preservatives, Additives, Artificial Colouring or Flavouring added in the process and deliver you the Healthiest Dried Fruits~ You may also enjoy it in tea ways combining with other Dried Fruits or Teas !
* Pet-Friendly Dried Fruits (prefer seeking advice from the Vet before feeding)
F1 - 台灣梨 Taiwan Pear (30g)